A letter to Gladys

Sometimes, you just can’t take it anymore in these crazy lockdown times, and the anger just has to be vented, at something or someone. We’d like to think that our politicians are in charge – that’s open for debate of course, but they sure like to congratulate themselves when they think they’ve done something wonderful, so when they stuff up big time, they need to hear that too.

And so I sat down earlier this week and wrote an angry email to our state’s leader, Gladys Berejiklian. I know she won’t read it, and even if she did, she wouldn’t care, but it feels good to at least have tried, and I got my frustration off my chest, addressing the person in the driver’s seat in New South Wales.

And it is good to see that I’m not the only one who thinks our leaders have lost their marbles over Covid. Even some in the mainstream media seem to have woken up. Here an article from Steve Waterson from The Australian. But this is what I wrote to our Premier:

17 July 2021

Dear Ms Berejiklian

Until the latest lockdown, I thought you were one of the more reasonable leaders in this country, one of the “moderates”.

You have proven me wrong over the last month.

I never believed any of the Corona-hype, not from day one. None of the hysteria that spread across the world made any sense to me. Nor has it been making any sense to many other intelligent, rational, reasonable and considered people, including many health experts and other highly qualified professionals who have looked closely at this issue. And the number of those who are waking up to this massive fraud is growing.

But the fear-mongering, the wall-to-wall propaganda starting in March 2020 has overall been phenomenally successful.

You and your fellow politicians abuse and punish an entire population for no good reason. You are treating us, the people, us, your employers, with the utmost contempt, as if we were irresponsible, stupid little children. 

Unfortunately, most people are too scared and traumatised by your fear propaganda to see through your lies and deception.

As if the farcical PCR testing regime wasn’t damaging enough, the pinnacle of this Covid insanity is pushing an insufficiently tested so-called vaccine based on a totally unproven technology on an unsuspecting public. 

How dare you coerce people, effectively force everyone to be injected with experimental substances, even mandate this for certain professions, especially considering that the risk of dying of Covid is practically nil for most people, and tiny even for the risk groups, with perfectly good treatment options being available? 

You and your fellow “leaders” are acting in an unbelievably irresponsible way. Have you ever imagined what would happen if there were to actually be serious side effects, including long-term side effects, which at this stage absolutely nobody can possibly exclude? What if it turns out to be true, for example, that many people, even just 10% or 20% of those who got vaccinated are no longer able to have children. No doubt you would point the finger at the experts and plead ignorance. But that’s exactly it: you’re basing all your current decisions on blind faith in conflicted and corrupt “scientists”, in other words, on ignorance. The evidence that these substances could be harmful in various ways is at this stage only indicative, but nevertheless, it is out there. If you and your fellow politicians, and your faithful advisors and the media actually cared about the public’s health, you would not allow this massive experiment on humanity to go ahead in this country. Instead, you simply choose to ignore the evidence, for the sake of your own political careers.

There were other ways to deal with this “crisis”. How about following the WHO’s own pandemic playbook? But no, it was completely thrown out of the window together with any commonsense and sense for proportionality. 

Not that this virus was anything anywhere near as dangerous as it was made out to be by the few insane alarmists everybody listened to for some inexplicable reason. And it’s just as inexplicable that despite all the evidence to the contrary you and your health minister still claim this is a very dangerous virus. 

History will show that this entire Covid story was a case of mass psychosis, a gigantic fraud and crime on just about the entire human population.

You as leaders had opportunities to steer the ship around into calmer waters say a year ago when it became everclearer that the danger had been overestimated and exaggerated, find ways to diffuse the situation and get back to normal. Even with some spurious excuses you could have done it, without losing too much credibility.

What you and other “leaders” and those advising you are doing is negligent and criminal. With your measures you are creating infinitely more harm than what you believe is good. The “cure” is infinitely worse than the “disease”. The mess you and your fellow politicians are helping create is enormous and will damage generations. What you are doing is nothing less than bullying and psychological warfare and worse against your own people. 

I ask you to stop this insanity immediately. Open your eyes, look at things in perspective, inform yourself properly, consult more broadly with a range of experts, not just those incompetent careerists who have been sucking up to you over the last 18 months. You can’t blame them. They are only telling you what they think you want to hear. The same with the media. They are feeding on this as well. It’s up to you to take charge and show real leadership. 

You are caught in an echo chamber of negativity and doom and gloom. You need to gain some perspective. At the end of this email is a list of resources that shows you that there are other views out there, rational, sensible, evidence-based views that you can use to actually make the best of an increasingly hopeless situation, if you’re only willing to listen and apply reason and commonsense. 

You are the leader, the longer you let this fester, the worse it gets.

The truth will come out one day, so don’t be surprised if people lose faith in you, in political institutions, in public health, even in vaccination in general.

What I see in you now is a willing participant in this massive fraud and deception, this crime against humanity.

Yes, I am angry, so pardon my strong language here, but enough is enough. We want our lives back. We want to be treated with dignity and respect. 

Dear Ms Berejiklian

Until the latest lockdown, I thought you were one of the more reasonable leaders in this country, one of the “moderates”.

You have proven me wrong over the last month.

I never believed any of the Corona-hype, not from day one. None of the hysteria that spread across the world made any sense to me. Nor has it been making any sense to many other intelligent, rational, reasonable and considered people, including many health experts and other highly qualified professionals who have looked closely at this issue. And the number of those who are waking up to this massive fraud is growing.

But the fear-mongering, the wall-to-wall propaganda starting in March 2020 has overall been phenomenally successful.

You and your fellow politicians abuse and punish an entire population for no good reason. You are treating us, the people, us, your employers, with the utmost contempt, as if we were irresponsible, stupid little children. 

Unfortunately, most people are too scared and traumatised by your fear propaganda to see through your lies and deception.

As if the farcical PCR testing regime wasn’t damaging enough, the pinnacle of this Covid insanity is pushing an insufficiently tested so-called vaccine based on a totally unproven technology on an unsuspecting public. 

How dare you coerce people, effectively force everyone to be injected with experimental substances, even mandate this for certain professions, especially considering that the risk of dying of Covid is practically nil for most people, and tiny even for the risk groups, with perfectly good treatment options being available? 

You and your fellow “leaders” are acting in an unbelievably irresponsible way. Have you ever imagined what would happen if there were to actually be serious side effects, including long-term side effects, which at this stage absolutely nobody can possibly exclude? What if it turns out to be true, for example, that many people, even just 10% or 20% of those who got vaccinated are no longer able to have children. No doubt you would point the finger at the experts and plead ignorance. But that’s exactly it: you’re basing all your current decisions on blind faith in conflicted and corrupt “scientists”, in other words, on ignorance. The evidence that these substances could be harmful in various ways is at this stage only indicative, but nevertheless, it is out there. If you and your fellow politicians, and your faithful advisors and the media actually cared about the public’s health, you would not allow this massive experiment on humanity to go ahead in this country. Instead, you simply choose to ignore the evidence, for the sake of your own political careers.

There were other ways to deal with this “crisis”. How about following the WHO’s own pandemic playbook? But no, it was completely thrown out of the window together with any commonsense and sense for proportionality. 

Not that this virus was anything anywhere near as dangerous as it was made out to be by the few insane alarmists everybody listened to for some inexplicable reason. And it’s just as inexplicable that despite all the evidence to the contrary you and your health minister still claim this is a very dangerous virus. 

History will show that this entire Covid story was a case of mass psychosis, a gigantic fraud and crime on just about the entire human population.

You as leaders had opportunities to steer the ship around into calmer waters say a year ago when it became everclearer that the danger had been overestimated and exaggerated, find ways to diffuse the situation and get back to normal. Even with some spurious excuses you could have done it, without losing too much credibility.

What you and other “leaders” and those advising you are doing is negligent and criminal. With your measures you are creating infinitely more harm than what you believe is good. The “cure” is infinitely worse than the “disease”. The mess you and your fellow politicians are helping create is enormous and will damage generations. What you are doing is nothing less than bullying and psychological warfare and worse against your own people. 

I ask you to stop this insanity immediately. Open your eyes, look at things in perspective, inform yourself properly, consult more broadly with a range of experts, not just those incompetent careerists who have been sucking up to you over the last 18 months. You can’t blame them. They are only telling you what they think you want to hear. The same with the media. They are feeding on this as well. It’s up to you to take charge and show real leadership. 

You are caught in an echo chamber of negativity and doom and gloom. You need to gain some perspective. At the end of this email is a list of resources that shows you that there are other views out there, rational, sensible, evidence-based views that you can use to actually make the best of an increasingly hopeless situation, if you’re only willing to listen and apply reason and commonsense. 

You are the leader, the longer you let this fester, the worse it gets.

The truth will come out one day, so don’t be surprised if people lose faith in you, in political institutions, in public health, even in vaccination in general.

What I see in you now is a willing participant in this massive fraud and deception, this crime against humanity.

Yes, I am angry, so pardon my strong language here, but enough is enough. We want our lives back. We want to be treated with dignity and respect. 

Yours in hope

Jörg Probst


  • doctors4covidethics.org
  • covidmedicalnetwork.com
  • worlddoctorsalliance.com
  • collateralglobal.org
  • pandata.org
  • swprs.org
  • corbettreport.com
  • lockdownsceptics.org
  • thefatemperor.com
  • https://odysee.com/@drsambailey
  • globalresearch.ca
  • wodarg.com/english/
  • makeamericansfreeagain.com
  • nohealthpassports.wordpress.com
  • https://t.me/VaccinePassportNews