Against extension of Human Biosecurity Emergency Declaration

Below is the email I wrote today to the Governor-General, the Hon. David Hurley, a copy of which I sent to Health Minister Greg Hunt.

Dear Governor-General

You will shortly be asked to rubber stamp the extension of the human biosecurity emergency period by a further three months.

I’m writing to you to ask you to reject this request from the Health Minister, on the basis that subsection d) of section 475 of the Biosecurity Act 2015 is simply not satisfied. 

Based on all the available data and information from Australia and around the world, it is manifestly obvious that the disease called Covid-19 is NOT “posing a severe and immediate threat to human health on a nationally significant scale.” 

There is no credible scientific evidence anywhere in the world that supports such a claim. On the contrary, there is mounting evidence that the PCR testing regime is fundamentally flawed, that many if not most deaths are falsely attributed to Covid-19, and that measures such as lockdowns and generalised mask wearing have not only no effect on the spread and containment of the SARS-Cov-2 virus, they are in fact a danger to health themselves and cause more harm than good. 

It is obvious from the statistics that most people who do contract the virus do not get seriously ill, let alone die. You might not have heard about that mounting evidence because the Government and the mainstream media have systematically suppressed and censored such information, especially in this country.

There is no justification for the Australian Government to effectively hold the Australian people prisoners in their own country any longer, it would be irresponsible and inhumane to continue to do so. 

In the unfortunate event that you do sign off on Mr Hunt’s request, I would expect that this Government provides full disclosure of ALL the evidence which leads to that decision, including the publication of the exact sources (articles, studies, statistics etc). A mere vague blanket statement is not sufficient and is quite frankly an insult to the intelligence of the Australian people. 

Finally, I ask you, like I ask all my fellow citizens, to keep an open mind, to think critically, and to please inform yourself broadly, beyond the governmental sources and the Australian and international mainstream media. Below a few good sources that will lead you to the overwhelming evidence referred to above:

Yours sincerely

Jörg Probst