Browse Author

Jorg Probst

The naked emperor

There was a rare moment of frankness by one of the men who has been absolutely instrumental in making Covid-19 a thing. German virologist Christian Drosten, a revered, God-like figure in his country, who basically invented and then, with the help of the WHO, foisted his dodgy SARS-CoV-2 PCR test onto the world, in a 2 September shindig amongst virologists shows signs of frustration that the people in Germany are loosing faith in the Covid-19 narrative, because… wait for it… “the disease is not existing, it’s not there.” Listen to the relevant part of the conversation in full below:

Against extension of Human Biosecurity Emergency Declaration

Below is the email I wrote today to the Governor-General, the Hon. David Hurley, a copy of which I sent to Health Minister Greg Hunt.

Dear Governor-General

You will shortly be asked to rubber stamp the extension of the human biosecurity emergency period by a further three months.

I’m writing to you to ask you to reject this request from the Health Minister, on the basis that subsection d) of section 475 of the Biosecurity Act 2015 is simply not satisfied. 

Based on all the available data and information from Australia and around the world, it is manifestly obvious that the disease called Covid-19 is NOT “posing a severe and immediate threat to human health on a nationally significant scale.” 

There is no credible scientific evidence anywhere in the world that supports such a claim. On the contrary, there is mounting evidence that the PCR testing regime is fundamentally flawed, that many if not most deaths are falsely attributed to Covid-19, and that measures such as lockdowns and generalised mask wearing have not only no effect on the spread and containment of the SARS-Cov-2 virus, they are in fact a danger to health themselves and cause more harm than good. 

It is obvious from the statistics that most people who do contract the virus do not get seriously ill, let alone die. You might not have heard about that mounting evidence because the Government and the mainstream media have systematically suppressed and censored such information, especially in this country.

There is no justification for the Australian Government to effectively hold the Australian people prisoners in their own country any longer, it would be irresponsible and inhumane to continue to do so. 

In the unfortunate event that you do sign off on Mr Hunt’s request, I would expect that this Government provides full disclosure of ALL the evidence which leads to that decision, including the publication of the exact sources (articles, studies, statistics etc). A mere vague blanket statement is not sufficient and is quite frankly an insult to the intelligence of the Australian people. 

Finally, I ask you, like I ask all my fellow citizens, to keep an open mind, to think critically, and to please inform yourself broadly, beyond the governmental sources and the Australian and international mainstream media. Below a few good sources that will lead you to the overwhelming evidence referred to above:

Yours sincerely

Jörg Probst

Covid-19 vaccines – read the small print

I know, it can be tedious, but do yourself a favour and read the small print on the Pfizer/BioNTech Covid-19 vaccine. Time required: about 10 minutes. Benefit: you understand that launching a widespread Covid-19 vaccination campaign is probably not a good idea, and you might want to give this one at least a miss

On 2 December Pfizer and BioNTech proudly announced that they have had their Covid-19 poison vaccine authorized In the UK. The disclosure notice is quite a bit of fun to read in itself. Allow me to quote (I’ve highlighted a few juicy bits):

The information contained in this release is as of December 2, 2020. Pfizer assumes no obligation to update forward-looking statements contained in this release as the result of new information or future events or developments. This release contains forward-looking information about Pfizer’s efforts to combat COVID-19 … that involves substantial risks and uncertainties that could cause actual results to differ materially from those expressed or implied by such statements. Risks and uncertainties include, among other things, the uncertainties inherent in research and development, including the ability to meet anticipated clinical endpoints, commencement and/or completion dates for clinical trials, regulatory submission dates, regulatory approval dates and/or launch dates, as well as risks associated with clinical data (including the Phase 3 data), including the possibility of unfavorable new preclinical or clinical trial data and further analyses of existing preclinical or clinical trial data; the ability to produce comparable clinical or other results, including the rate of vaccine effectiveness and safety and tolerability profile observed to date, in additional analyses of the Phase 3 trial or in larger, more diverse populations upon commercialization; the risk that clinical trial data are subject to differing interpretations and assessments, including during the peer review/publication process, in the scientific community generally, and by regulatory authorities; whether and when data from the BNT162 mRNA vaccine program will be published in scientific journal publications and, if so, when and with what modifications; whether regulatory authorities will be satisfied with the design of and results from these and any future preclinical and clinical studies

It goes on and on in that same rambling “don’t ever point the finger at us” tone. That’s in addition to already having secured immunity from liability if the vaccine should cause damage in those who receive it.

But even more interesting than this press release is the document for UK health professionals which is available on the UK Government website here, with more detailed information on the COVID-19 mRNA Vaccine BNT162b2.

There are a series of common or very common side effects which most people could put up with, such as headache, fever, joint pains, fatigue, chills, nausea. So if you insist on getting the jab, you’d probably be better off not driving to the clinic yourself.

The more interesting points are the following:

  • It is unknown what happens if you’re on some other kind of medication, let alone other vaccines, including other Covid-19 vaccines.
  • Pregnant women should not take this vaccine, and you should not fall pregnant for 2 months after the second dose.
  • Don’t breastfeed if you have been vaccinated – “a risk to the newborns/infants cannot be excluded”
  • And to top it off: “it is unknown whether [the vaccine] has an impact on fertility.

There is no mention of possible autoimmune reactions, but again, there is no way this can currently been ruled out, and some medical experts have raised that concern, for example here. And on 1 December Michael Yeaden and Wolfgang Wodarg also petitioned the European Medicines Agency to stay the ongoing phase 3 trials, also in relation to the Pfizer vaccine, as the study design is defective. Paragraphs VIII to XII are particularly worth reading.

The claim of 95% effectiveness of this vaccine is in my view an utter joke. Pfizer ran just two in-house studies. Neither of them are impressive. The first study had just 60 subjects. For the second study, the subjects were assessed whether they had contracted Covid-19 only 7 days after they received their second vaccination. I repeat: 7 days!!!

Everything about these vaccines is rushed, and that is exactly the reason why it is completely irresponsible and criminal by our governments to foist these vaccines on a largely unsuspecting population.

Why (not) a Covid-19 vaccine?

Why the fuss about a vaccine to prevent Covid-19? How could anyone be opposed? What’s the problem here? 

I’m not an anti-vaxxer. I’ve got my vaccinations, and my children were vaccinated, even though yes, there are some small risks involved, and people have suffered damage over the years, sometimes due to unsafe vaccines (eg swine flu vaccine). But I don’t have a problem in principle with vaccines that are proven safe. 

I choose not to get vaccinated against the flu, because the effectiveness is at best doubtful, and it doesn’t make sense to me to vaccinate against a virus which has in all likelihood mutated considerably since the past flu season, on which virus the current flu vaccine is always based. I will never get that jab. I prefer to rely on my own immune system rather than add yet another chemical I don’t know what else it contains. So thanks but no thanks.

Now there are the Covid-19 vaccines on the horizon. Why am I against those? I’ve done my research. I’ve heard the propaganda like everyone else, but I’ve also listened to some eminent experts who have explained what the deal is with these Covid-19 vaccines. They talk about things you never hear about in the mainstream media. 

The leading vaccine contenders use (very simplified) gene-based methods that are untested and entirely unproven on humans. There is no way, and I mean absolutely no way, that any potential long-term side effects can be excluded. That should be evident to everyone. It would take around 10 years to prove a new vaccination method safe.

What could be the problems? The main concern seems to be that severe auto-immune reactions could result. This cannot be excluded after such a short period of time.
In addition to that, there is also no way the effectiveness of this vaccine can be proved in the real world because the incidence of the virus is generally so low. 

These Covid-19 vaccines are being rushed through the usual testing phases, the normal regulatory requirements are essentially by-passed, which itself should raise the alarm bells. It is also clear to me that pharmaceutical companies and governments are in cahoots and will do anything to make this vaccine the means by which politicians can exit this sorry mess they themselves created. Would they acknowledge any negative outcomes of the trials? I don’t trust either politicians or profit-driven companies to act ethically after the disaster that’s been evolving over the last months.

If my body is damaged as a result, because I’m forced to take such an insufficiently tested vaccine, any compensation I might receive is of no use to me. I’d rather be healthy than receive compensation. Also, make no mistake, any compensation would not come from the pharma companies – they have already been granted immunity, so guess who would be paying for any potential compensation to anyone injured because of these vaccines? Ultimately it’s you, the taxpayer, who has to pay for the negligence of these companies.

So I want to have the right as a human being to say “no”, and not be forced, directly or indirectly, to take a potentially dangerous vaccine.

More fundamentally, why even create a vaccine against an agent that is not even all that dangerous? It should be obvious to anyone by now that this virus is not the massive public health danger as was predicted early on during the so-called pandemic. I’m not going into details now, suffice here to say, no more people have died than during other flu seasons – that comparison is a valid one to make. And the fact that not that many people have died is certainly not because of the foolish and irrational measures governments the world over have taken. It simply is not that vicious of a virus. It can be demonstrated that lockdowns and mask-wearing have had absolutely no influence whatsoever, and there is certainly no proof that these measures have been effective. 

The fact that our civil liberties have been severely curtailed is bad enough. The only conceivable reason why a vaccine is pushed so hard by politicians is that this is the only way they can save face and find a way out of the sorry mess they themselves created. I saw this coming early on, and this is exactly how it is playing out now.

We are being manipulated and coerced, either by a bunch of hapless and incompetent politicians who have collectively lost their marbles, or they are working for the dark and ultimately anti-human agenda which comes under so many different guises: The Great Reset, Green New Deal, Agenda 21, Agenda 2030, etc….

Either way, they are not acting in our best interest. It is up to us, the people, to say “no” and call them out on it, and refuse to cooperate any further. 

You too can be a hero…

The German Government has released three videos which don’t quite match the cinematographic heights of Leni Riefenstahl in the 1930s, but they are amazing propaganda anyway.

Just sit back, watch, enjoy, and notice how your chest fills with that fuzzy warm feeling of deep-seated satisfaction for being a true coronavirus hero. All you need to do is be lazy, do nothing, stay at home.

Germany’s parliament passes controversial Covid law

On 18 November 2020 the German parliament took just two hours to rush through new legislation which legitimises, strengthens and cements the Covid-related decrees and measures that were previously held to be illegal or even unconstitutional by various courts when they were challenged.

The laws were overwhelmingly adopted with 413 yes votes against 235 no votes.

Germany has a growing and comparatively massive popular movement critical of the government’s measures. The police used water cannons against a demonstration which was held in Berlin ahead of the parliament’s sitting.

Danish protesters were more successful. The Danish parliament dropped a similarly controversial law after many Danes took to the streets.

And no, you wouldn’t have heard anything about these protests if you were just watching the mainstream media…

Conspiracy – yes, theory – no

Many people seem to think that The Great Reset is some kind of conspiracy theory.

Well, yes, it’s a conspiracy, but no, it’s not a theory. It’s happening. And it’s happening right now.

It’s been talked about for quite some time, hidden in plain view, and it comes under different guises and names, but really, it’s all about the same agenda. Agenda 21, Agenda 2030, the Fourth Industrial Revolution, etc.

COVID-19 was just the crisis that the elitist mob behind this agenda will utilise to achieve their goals. They will not let this crisis go to waste. And so our societies are rapidly transforming into totalitarian technocracies. 2020 will become some kind of 1984 before we know it.

I became aware of the tweet below on 17 Nov 2020, and couldn’t resist to put some words into the mouths of two of some of the major players, Klaus Schwab, leader of the World Economic Forum, and Prince Charles.

Hooray for authoritarianism

On 17 Nov 2020 I saw the tweet below from Germany’s most reputable newspaper (if there is such a thing). I honestly thought it had to be a fake. It’s not. Unfortunately, most of the article is behind a paywall, but even the tweet is enough to get a flavour. It reads: “The high Covid-numbers in many Western countries beg the unsettling question whether open societies are less suited to react to global threats than authoritarian systems. This calls for a new debate.”

Politicians unable to cope with COVID-19

Amazingly, the usually so alarmist Guardian published this article by a US virologist, which conveys a much more realistic assessment of the danger of the SARS-Cov-2 virus, and is critical of governments’ response.

The problem of course is that no government will ever admit that the initial response was completely irrational and overblown – so the course is set, and we’ll all have to bear and pay for the consequences, unless there is mass resistance.

You shall vaccinate – at your own risk

The latest news on the latest COVID-19 “cases” and “deaths” cannot be flung into the media soup fast enough to keep the population suitably scared to keep the scamdemic alive. But the mainstream media are not so fast and keen when the news are not so convenient – for example the news that the Australian Government has given indemnity against liability to the suppliers of the prospective vaccines should anyone come to harm as a result of being administered the vaccines.

In other words, the pharmaceutical giants not only get to benefit handsomely from this manufactured crisis, they also don’t take any risk at all by providing insufficiently tested and potentially harmful substances.

In the morning of 9 October I saw the SMH & Age articles announcing this scandalous fact, which let’s face it, doesn’t really come as a surprise as other countries have done the same – albeit countries which unlike Australia have a no-fault vaccination compensation scheme, and the world’s saviour, Bill Gates has called for indemnities all along. There are few other sources that have picked this up so far, and even on Twitter there is relatively little reaction.

I checked ABC News, the government’s faithful distributor of propaganda – nada.

So was there a media release perhaps announcing this delightful, completely unimportant fact? I checked. Of course not! At least not yet.

Unless you read the Budget Papers released on 6 October you would never stumble across this information. Budget Paper No. 1 states:

What strikes me most is the silence by most of the mainstream media, but again, given they’ve been faithfully dancing to the government’s tune for the entirety of this scamdemic, this should not be a surprise either – but it’s worth pointing out as another instance of the fact that our governments are only sharing the scare-mongering information they want us to hear, hoping that we won’t notice the foul stench of the New Normal that’s being cooked up behind the scenes.