I wanted to attend the anti-lockdown protest at Sydney Hyde Park on 5 September 2020. Unfortunately, I arrived a little later than planned, and by the time I got there, the entire event was already over. I spoke with some eyewitnesses who gave me some additional information, one of whom kindly allowed me to use footage she took of arrests that were made.
Think for yourself
Covid-related human rights abuses tolerated in Victoria
It sounds completely ridiculous, but in the only Australian state where human rights are at least to some extent protected, Victoria, nobody seems to have even thought of seeking those protections, and worse, the population of that state currently has the most severe restrictions in place, restrictions that fly in the face of human rights, under a government that can only be described as tyrannical.
The law which could potentially been used to fight the draconian measures in place is the Charter of Human Rights and Responsibilities Act 2006. The relevant section of the Act is extracted below. It states that “reasonable limits” can only be imposed when certain relevant factors “can be demonstrably justified.”
COVID-19: Belarus president offered money to emulate Italy response?
According to Belarus President Aleksandr Lukashenko, the World Bank was ready to provide Belarus ten times more money than the country asked for if they would emulate Italy’s response to COVID-19, whilst the IMF continues to ask the country’s government to introduce quarantine measures, isolation, and a curfew. As this article in the nation’s official news agency reports, Lukashenko refuses to comply, calls the demands nonsense. His country is one of the few that has largely ignored the virus craze that has captured most nations.
If the allegations are true, it is just one more indication that COVID-19 is not about a virus, but about a more sinister political or ideological agenda. It would be interesting to know what kind of pressures have been placed on Sweden…
Lukashenko’s relevant speech of 19 June 2020 can also be seen here, interpreted into German. This article by Thomas Röper also comes to the conclusion that the IMF plays an active role in dramatising the COVID-19 situation and make funds conditional on compliance instead of simply assisting countries to soften the impact of the crisis.
Open letter to all Australian politicians regarding COVID-19
Wednesday, 19 August 2020
Prime Minister Scott Morrison
All State Premiers
All Federal and State Parliamentarians
Re: COVID-19
I am an ordinary citizen, and like everyone else I have been watching the developments around COVID-19 over the last months with growing concern.
Mr Morrison’s announcement today, 19 August 2020, that he intends to make a COVID-19 vaccination mandatory was the last straw for me, and has compelled me to write to you all.
I am not an anti-vaxxer at all. However, there are good reasons why it takes upwards of 5 years to approve a vaccine, and upwards of 10 years to approve a new method of vaccination.
The most promising vaccines in development for the SARS-Cov-2 virus are all RNA-based vaccines, in other words vaccines based on gene technology. Since this is a new method of vaccination for humans, a much longer approval process must apply. Two decades of research with this method have been unsuccessful, long-term effects cannot possibly be known, and suddenly we are to believe that a safe vaccine can be developed and rolled out within months or a year.
It is simply reckless and irresponsible for any government or authority to release such a vaccine, and on top of that to expect that this vaccine is administered to the entire population.
Life carries all sorts of risks, and we live with those risks, and sometimes, sadly people get hurt or sick, or die. You did not hesitate to shut down the entire society and economy over a virus which is so manifestly about as dangerous, but no more dangerous, than flu viruses we’ve lived through many times in the past. You have displayed a level of risk aversion that makes the most prudent lawyer look like a cowboy, although there were many voices around the world that warned of this all-out approach of locking down entire societies, saying they were disproportionate and unnecessary.
And yet you are now willing to take a huge and completely unnecessary risk on behalf of the Australian people by foisting an unproven technology on us.
Not only that, it appears that any companies providing such vaccines will be indemnified by the relevant government, in other words, they will not be held liable for any damage done. On the contrary, the damage will ultimately have to be carried by us taxpayers, whilst the pharma companies are laughing all the way to the bank. It could not get any more cynical.
In other words, I and no doubt many other of my fellow citizens, strongly object to an unnecessary and insufficiently tested vaccine being foisted on the Australian public at our own expense, let alone that such a vaccine be made directly or indirectly compulsory.
At this point I would also like to voice my strongest objection to many of the measures the governments of Australia have imposed since March/April of this year, in particular all those measures that have been and still are disrupting, and are causing widespread and immeasurable economic, social, psychological, and physical damage to many Australians.
Not only were the disastrous consequences easily foreseeable, but since March, even before these drastic measures were implemented, as I mentioned above, there were a number of renowned international experts that voiced their concerns about such disproportionate measures: Prof John Ioannidis, Dr. Wolfgang Wodarg, Prof. Sucharit Bhakdi, Knut Wittkowski, Prof. Dr. Martin Haditsch, just to name a few. These people were not heard in most countries, in fact they were completely ignored, dismissed, ridiculed, or even censored by the mainstream, including by the entire Australian media.
I knew about these people and their common sense and perfectly logical and rational arguments because I cast my information net wide. I also remained calm, and was unimpressed by the media hype that was rapidly spreading and poisoning our society. I applied my critical thinking skills and I always knew that the danger from this allegedly new virus was vastly over-stated, and the measures were completely disproportional, irrational, and unjustified.
Collectively all you professional politicians were complicit in creating mass hysteria and panic in the population. You blindly relied on projections that never looked likely and have already proved to be completely wrong, predictions by a man who has been proven wrong on previous occasions. It apparently occurred to nobody, not even your advisers, to question and check the wild and exaggerated claims that were being made not just by Prof Neil Ferguson.
No good decisions can be made in an atmosphere of fear and panic. As leaders, you should know that.
From any responsible and diligent politician I would expect that, faced with reports of a new and potentially deadly virus, they would have taken a step back, consulted very widely (not just their established Chief Medical Officers), across a multitude of disciplines, and questioned and challenged all experts thoroughly before taking any drastic decisions, and to be transparent with the public throughout this process.
You don’t need to be an expert in anything to do that research, but you do need to apply your critical thinking skills. I did it, why couldn’t you, who have such a huge responsibility?
You could have done everything possible to protect the vulnerable part of the population as best as possible in a humane way, and otherwise promoted traditional measures like recommending good hygiene, asked sick people to stay home, all of which are sensible measures during any flu outbreak; measures that just about everyone is happy to comply with.
Instead, you treated this virus as another enemy and heroically declared war, and you acted and are still acting like the delusional Don Quixote, fighting against windmills.
There are a myriad of serious issues with the testing regime, serious issues with how deaths are attributed to COVID-19. There are many inconsistencies, arbitrariness and contradictions. Nothing adds up, nothing makes sense, and there is a complete lack of transparency. It’s as if our governments were hiding something. Mind you, I am not interested in conspiracy theories. But I am very interested in getting to the bottom of things and seeing the full picture.
Perhaps some of you politicians might by now even realise that you were wrong in taking or supporting such drastic measures back in March/April. Even the wobbly and woefully inadequate statistics we do have show that around the world none of these insane and unprecedented lockdown measures had any effect.
Instead of admitting that you overreacted and apologising for what really went wrong here, you continue to maintain the official narrative, which appears to have infected just about every country on the planet.
It’s not too late to turn back, but it takes character and courage. The longer you maintain this ridiculous farce the more untenable your position becomes and the more credibility you lose.
There is no doubt in my mind that the reason why you are now peddling the imminent availability of a vaccine to the Australian people is so that you can walk away from the mess that you have created looking like heroes and saviours.
If you were truly interested in the health and well-being of the Australian public you would not have imposed such irrational measures that do far more harm than good, that compromise our immune system and our health, you would not trample on our rights and freedoms, you would not deny us our humanity, you would not try to scare us into blind obedience, you would not have risked all our livelihoods, you would not create this mountain of debt for us and future generations, and you would not expect us all to get injected with an unproven vaccine.
Most Australians are probably too scared of the virus to notice that our democracy, and our civil and human rights are slipping away. The most obvious example is Victoria, which has descended into a totalitarian state.
But many of us have noticed, we can see what is going on, we have noticed with what contempt you have treated us, and we will not remain silent.
You let down and misled the entire country. Enough is enough.
Yours sincerely,
Jörg Probst, Macquarie Park, NSW
PS: Research is time consuming. But there is a great resource that collates a lot of information, strikes a balanced and neutral tone, and always provides credible source links, Swiss Policy Research, found at https://swprs.org
Propaganda in action
Have a close read of this amazing UK government document from 22 March 2020. The image below shows a few particularly mind-boggling extracts.
The people who wrote this piece of propaganda are not identified in the document, but they later showed off their handiwork in this article which appeared on 19 May 2020 in the British Journal of Health Psychology. Their conclusions:
Responding to policymakers very rapidly as has been necessary during the COVID‐19 pandemic can be facilitated by using a framework to structure the thinking and reporting of multidisciplinary academics and policymakers.
The nether regions of science, academics, and journalism
No wonder the world is in dire straits, with science and journalism sinking to such depths… We’re used to politicians lying to us, but it’s looking bleak when they’re aided and abetted by the very people that should hold them to account…
The inadequacies of testing
Clearly: Neither PCR tests nor antibody tests can actually differentiate between different coronaviruses. The COVID-19 symptoms could be caused by a number of other diseases. Does really nobody in power question this?