Conspiracy – yes, theory – no

Many people seem to think that The Great Reset is some kind of conspiracy theory.

Well, yes, it’s a conspiracy, but no, it’s not a theory. It’s happening. And it’s happening right now.

It’s been talked about for quite some time, hidden in plain view, and it comes under different guises and names, but really, it’s all about the same agenda. Agenda 21, Agenda 2030, the Fourth Industrial Revolution, etc.

COVID-19 was just the crisis that the elitist mob behind this agenda will utilise to achieve their goals. They will not let this crisis go to waste. And so our societies are rapidly transforming into totalitarian technocracies. 2020 will become some kind of 1984 before we know it.

I became aware of the tweet below on 17 Nov 2020, and couldn’t resist to put some words into the mouths of two of some of the major players, Klaus Schwab, leader of the World Economic Forum, and Prince Charles.