COVID-19: Belarus president offered money to emulate Italy response?

According to Belarus President Aleksandr Lukashenko, the World Bank was ready to provide Belarus ten times more money than the country asked for if they would emulate Italy’s response to COVID-19, whilst the IMF continues to ask the country’s government to introduce quarantine measures, isolation, and a curfew. As this article in the nation’s official news agency reports, Lukashenko refuses to comply, calls the demands nonsense. His country is one of the few that has largely ignored the virus craze that has captured most nations.

If the allegations are true, it is just one more indication that COVID-19 is not about a virus, but about a more sinister political or ideological agenda. It would be interesting to know what kind of pressures have been placed on Sweden…

Lukashenko’s relevant speech of 19 June 2020 can also be seen here, interpreted into German. This article by Thomas Röper also comes to the conclusion that the IMF plays an active role in dramatising the COVID-19 situation and make funds conditional on compliance instead of simply assisting countries to soften the impact of the crisis.