COVID-19 – inflating the numbers

Bad science is at least partially responsible for landing us in the current societal and economic mess. But is this just a mistake, a failing, or is this by design? It is becoming increasingly evident that it could well be the latter.

This manufactured crisis is quickly becoming the biggest con ever perpetrated in the history of humanity. Forget 9/11, forget the Iraq war, even forget the alleged climate emergency. The application of the tried and tested shock and awe tactic at this scale is truly unprecedented. 

Mind you, not everyone buys it, but that’s not necessary.

No, the early wild predictions designed to scare the world population into submission didn’t have to be accurate. Those shyster “experts” like Neil Ferguson from the UK, Anthony Fauci from the US, and Guan Yi from Hone Kong did a fabulous job. Stage 1, causing fear and panic, was a resounding success.

But now it’s about real numbers, and they need to be substantial. But probably not everyone in power knows it’s a scam, so how does one achieve the desired statistics in the absence of an actually really deadly virus? One moves the goal posts, one ensures that every dead body where COVID-19 is found is counted as a COVID-19 death. 

In the case of the world-renowned Bill Gates-funded German Robert Koch Institut (RKI), its president Lothar Wieler confirmed on 20 March that Germany counts everyone who dies with COVID-19 as a COVID-19 death. 

US hospitals have been given a dubious incentive when legislation was introduced that funnelled more funds to hospitals that admitted COVID-19 patients. The CDC’s instructions on reporting COVID-19 are also an interesting read.

In Australia, the Australian Bureau of Statistics published on its website a document dated 24 March which leaves no doubt that here too, every death where COVID-19 is found, the death certificate should state that COVID-19 was a primary cause, under Part 1 of the certificate, even where this was a presumed COVID-19 death.

Source: ABS

Further, each Australian state issued practice directions that effectively prevent autopsies being carried out on COVID-19 deaths (I have found those of New South Wales, Northern Territory, Queensland, Victoria, Western Australia).

Who gave the direction to all states not to carry out autopsies, and on what grounds? 

Considering that the only way we can obtain reliable, scientifically useful information is by ensuring that people who possibly died of COVID-19 actually did die because of this disease, the opposite direction would have made more sense. 

Several medical experts have stated there is no reason why autopsies should not to be carried out to determine the cause of death. The city of Hamburg in Germany is doing just that for every possible COVID-19 death, against the wishes of the RKI. According to Dr Klaus Püschel in this interview on 21 April, out of the over 100 COVID-19 deaths he autopsied, all of them died with significant pre-existing conditions, and so had a weakened immune system when they contracted COVID-19. Two hospitals in Basel, Switzerland, also autopsied 21 patients with COVID-19.

Considering the general level of hysteria, one would assume that everything would be done to obtain accurate and detailed information on every possible person who died with COVID-19, but it seems the contrary is the case in most parts of the world.

At the very least one can question why authorities and politicians from Australia and elsewhere are not interested in doing exact science to understand this disease as well as they can. 

Instead, they seem more preoccupied with finding out where it originated and engaging in petty political scuffles. Smoke screens and mirrors everywhere.

The aim seems to be that the statistics should show the highest possible number of deaths attributable to COVID-19, with nobody ever able to verify those numbers. This is important, to justify the draconian and disproportionate measures that have been implemented.