Covid – how will it play out?

Do I have a crystal ball? No. But let me make an attempt at how this entire Covid debacle could play out over the next months and years.

Most countries seem to realise that they’re going to have to “live with Covid” one way or another and get on with it. But of course this doesn’t mean these governments will ever admit that they’ve been caught up in the most gigantic fraud and mass psychosis in history. 

I’m under no illusion that the narrative must and will be kept alive at all cost.

Mind you, the Covid narrative has been exposed and demolished for the stinking heap of lies that it is ever since March 2020 – you only had to look in the right places. 

It is only thanks to the well-oiled government and media driven propaganda machine that the majority of the fear-filled public still believes all this nonsense. 

Whether Covid was planned in some way or not, or whether it was just plain old never-let-a-good-crisis-go-to-waste opportunism: Who cares about the facts any more? Who cares about truth-seeking? 

  • Not the governments that have been benefiting from Covid through the most outrageous power grab. 
  • Not the multinational pharma and tech corporations whose share prices have ballooned beyond belief.
  • Not the hopelessly conflicted scientists who have boosted their profiles whilst disgracing their professions.
  • Not the hopelessly biased government-sponsored and corporate mainstream media.

Why would any of them want to end this crisis, or expose what’s really led to Covid-mania?

The extent to which the brainwashing has been successful hit home again just the other day, when I heard Noam Chomsky, author of Manufacturing Consent no less, made it very clear that he thinks those who won’t allow themselves to be injected with a so-called Covid vaccine are despicable people he doesn’t care about.

I gobbled up every Noam Chomsky book I could in my late teens and twenties, admiring him for exposing successive US governments for their bloody and unscrupulous hegemonial power plays in many parts of the world.

Despite his advanced age, he comes across as being remarkably lucid, so he has no excuse.

Nor do many other thinkers who have spoken out against injustice and anti-democratic forces for decades only to roll over now and suddenly support the tyranny that’s been spreading like wildfire throughout much of the world.

So when all these so-called intellectuals, who should be beacons of scientific and  critical thinking, simply swallow the Covid narrative that has more holes in it than Swiss cheese, what hope is there? What will our future look like? 

The truth has a habit of revealing itself sooner or later.

I fear it’s going to be later.

Meanwhile, the “learnings” from this Covid crisis will be exploited to the maximum by the powers that be. 

The crisis had hardly achieved full swing when Bill Gates announced we’ll never go back to normal and almost every person on the planet would have to be vaccinated, and the leader of the World Economic Forum wrote a book on what our future will look like. 

So really, our future has already been mapped out for us. Not that those powerful forces, driven by just a few deranged individuals ever asked you or I whether we want to live in a technocratic transhumanist totalitarian one-world government state, which sounds remarkably like a sick combination of 1984 and Brave New World. 

You might think that microchipped humans are some kind of far-fetched crazy conspiracy theory – until you do some research and you find that efforts to make all these crazy transhumanist ideas happen are well under way – it’s happening in plain sight. 

And it’s not like any of this junk-science driven madness we’re experiencing now hasn’t been on the horizon for a long time.

Even the famous futurist and astronomer Carl Sagan, a scientific heavyweight when I was growing up, saw the writing on the wall. He warned that the general population’s overall lack of understanding of the science would make society susceptible to exactly the kind of junk-science driven tyranny we’ve witnessed over the last 20 months.

Will we have some kind of social credit system tomorrow that controls everything you do by a system of carrots, sticks and nudges – no legal or physical force required?

When you think about how increasingly manipulated societies have become over the last century, it’s only a matter of time. It might not be in place tomorrow, most likely it will happen very gradually over a few generations.

Then again, two years ago nobody would have accepted lockdowns, and look how easy that was to implement across much of the world.

The conditions to create this kind of dystopia are perfect, after all. 

Why is all this happening? Is it because the few that own and manipulate the economy and politics know very well that they have to own the masses to avoid a revolution to a more egalitarian and humane society? If the masses were fully aware of the unworkable and fundamentally unjust economic system that’s been created especially over the last few decades with a seemingly unsolvable debt crisis, no doubt there would be pushback.

Ultimately, this can only be about undiluted, highly concentrated wealth – and control, total control. 

The fewer people you need to control, the better, so a depopulation agenda would also make sense from the point of view of these powers, but of course, it must happen surreptitiously, as if by accident. Some kind of catastrophe would serve well… but that’s pure speculation, of course. 

Still, in the absence of explanations, in the face of widespread state secrecy, what else can we do to try to make sense of a world that doesn’t make sense any more? 

We can put ourselves in the shoes of those powerful people and think what they would do to maintain and extend their power. And we can take into consideration the technological possibilities they have at their disposal.

Although they as individuals have no real powers to radically change society, as a conglomerate of powerful interests they sure do. They cleverly influence the way other influential people think, and if the conditions are right, as I said they are, then most of these people will implement their agendas without much of a challenge.

Prominent and influential intellectuals, scientists, politicians, and even artists readily become puppets. Once that’s happened, winning over the population is a piece of cake. 

But perhaps I’m getting ahead of myself. Let’s look at the more immediate future.

As I stated earlier, most countries’ governments seem to have realised they can’t eradicate the SARS-Cov-2 virus (let’s assume for a moment it does exist), so they say “let’s vaccinate everyone and then we can move on.” Obviously, the vaccination drive is likely to continue. 

In my home state of New South Wales, close to 90% of the over 16 year-olds are already fully vaccinated. Many were coerced into doing this. With booster shots looming large already, we could be trapped in a never-ending cycle of vaccinations, with who knows what consequences to our own built-in natural immune systems.

Our politicians clearly don’t care, some of them have already announced half-yearly injections. And we can’t expect any help from the legal system either.

Those benefiting from Covid, particularly pharma companies, will not suddenly cease to make the most out of this new pandemic business model. There will be booster shot after booster shot, there will be “new and better” vaccines, There may even be new variants or viruses invented, just to keep the engine going. 

And should somehow too many of us see through the deception, there will be more coercion and laws to ensure compliance. 

If somehow the tide should turn in the near future, if by some miracle even politicians and scientists should realise that this was all a big mistake, the fear propaganda will simply turn into a propaganda of excuses: “we didn’t know enough at the time”, “nobody told us”. Yes you did, yes they did. You just didn’t want to listen!

“We only did what we were told.” Well, wasn’t that what many of the surviving Nazis said? 

Maybe, to return to the current situation, in the short run at least, this high vaccination rate will mean the NSW government will allow the state to “open up.” Maybe even for the few recalcitrant unvaccinated, reminding them at every opportunity what a rotten lousy lot they are. But the goal is now 95% before they’re allowed out, which is expected to be reached by 15 December. But of course, the goalposts could easily be shifted again.

Any further “outbreaks” will no doubt be blamed on the unvaccinated, no matter what the facts actually are. 

The children are the next target. With most parents fully on board, that is probably low hanging fruit – and what a huge market it is – ka-ching!

Might governments and employers soon think that they’ve pushed hard enough? Could they now declare success, and everyone is happy to move on? Maybe. But given the abounding quasi-religious zealousness, it’s difficult to imagine that one day soon the pressure to get vaccinated against Covid will ease, those horrid face nappies will disappear, and QR-code check-in requirements will be a thing of the past. The digital fallout from Covid will likely be substantial.

Those ridiculous and ultimately pointless measures that were sold to us as minor and necessary inconveniences could well remain, and become normalised. As long as most people play along and there is little resistance, as a society we will be captive to the Covid narrative.

I’ve said this for a long time: Covid will end when people start leaving this cult-like movement in droves. Or when the next catastrophe happens (or is conjured up, as the case may be).

Meanwhile, governments will give themselves more powers to do whatever they want. New laws will be passed that will grant more wide-ranging emergency powers. This has already started happening in parts of the world. And if it doesn’t happen right now, it will happen with the next fake pandemic. 

Then there is the other great hoax that’s been plaguing humanity ever since the last ice age was knocking at our door, back when I was young, in the late 1970s and early 1980s: the “climate crisis” through alleged man-made global warming. The hysteria that surrounds this topic is evident on a daily basis, and predictably, connections with Covid were made as early as mid-2020. If we can take such extraordinary measures during Covid, then surely we can do it to “save the climate.”

That’s the anchor point. And that particular agenda will also increasingly determine how we “live.” 

So we will smoothly slide from one fake crisis into the next, just so the elites can keep their fraud-driven economic system and their false narratives alive, and so the Technocracy Express can keep advancing at full speed.

What can be swept under the carpet will be swept under the carpet. Let’s not forget Climate Gate and 9/11? History will be re-written to suit the agenda. It’s already been happening during Covid times.

And what can’t be swept under the carpet doesn’t matter, because most people are in such a state of fear and confusion, they simply won’t notice, no matter how little sense anything makes. The search for truth has long become irrelevant. 

We will be guided into a form of slavery by corrupted scientist posing as experts, weak and corrupt politicians who will continue to pretend we live in a democracy, a corrupt and tame mainstream media, and of course a small cabal of self-serving business empires that are really pulling all the strings. 

Notwithstanding this gloomy outlook, I think there will continue to be a minority of humans who will not be corrupted, who will not give in to these dark and powerful forces, who will continue to think for themselves.

It may well be that if and when the technocratic transhumanist agenda fails for whatever reason, the pendulum will swing back again. 

Humanity seems to do this time and again: civilizations rise to greatness, then suddenly or gradually, they decay, because they’ve lost their way somehow. Have we reached or are we close to some kind of inflection point? Perhaps. I don’t know. Future historians will judge us – harshly, I fear.

But I think we still have the opportunity to live up to our name of homo sapiens, and turn things around for the better, instead of sliding ever further towards homo corruptus.

What could be the catalyst to change our catastrophic path, when the forces of evil are seemingly so overwhelming? 

Perhaps it’s just a matter of keeping at it, pushing back, saying “no”. We need to keep pointing out the inconsistencies, the lies, the nonsense, if possible with disarming humour and ridicule. Just like Leunig did with his now infamous cartoon recently. Nothing is as powerful as that – which of course is exactly why he was cancelled.

If such messages only reach a few extra people every time, things could slowly begin to change for the better.