It’s not the virus, stupid!

Apologies for the rude title, but I’m getting tired of this. Once again, I smell a rat.

As country after country succumbs to the latest wave of collective madness, reason and commonsense is in even shorter supply than toilet paper.

There’s widespread panic at governmental level from the UN down, in the business community, of course in the financial markets that are irrational at the best of times, and in the general population. And the fear and panic is being dutifully fuelled by a thoroughly complicit mainstream media – nothing new there.

Still, I don’t buy into the hype, and I was suspicious from day one. I prefer to think for myself and trust my own judgement. I can’t be certain what exactly is going on here, but I’m quite certain that this is not about preventing the spread of a killer virus.

This is another coronavirus, yes, one coronavirus amongst many others; they mutate, they change, it’s normal, that’s what viruses do, it’s essential for their survival. And the death rates for this version are not exceedingly higher than with other viruses. Unfortunately, older people are, like with every such disease, predominantly affected and more likely to die, and so are people whose immune system is suppressed for whatever reason. Those people are at higher risk with every other virus outbreak too, which happens every year. Again, that’s normal. So what is supposedly so special about COVID-19? Nothing, really. So let’s get a grip, and see things in perspective.

By all means, let’s pay more than usual attention to our hygiene, many of us do that anyway whenever a bug is going round, but practising ‘social distancing‘ (a sure entry into the Oxford Dictionary next year), prohibiting gatherings of more than 100 people (why 100?), dismantling our economy (hey I’d like to see this brutal capitalism gone too, but that’s not the way to go about it), our society and our culture? That’s just ludicrous.

Funny that though, when everyone was buying into the equally fake war on terror, after every terrorist attack people were determined not to allow terrorists threaten our way of life. Well, this latest invisible enemy has done just that, and most people seem to be taking it lying down.

I cannot put up with the social engineering, the coercive measures limiting our freedoms, the unnecessary disruption and upheaval that is being imposed on all of us.

These insane measures are a case of the supposed cure being worse than the supposed disease. Far worse. So no, there was no need for any of this madness.

So what would have been a more sensible reaction? I can easily think of the most obvious one: those who are vulnerable should have been advised to take extra care, to isolate themselves, and those relatively few people should have been well supported, and it would probably all have been quite manageable. No need to shut down our entire societies.

Our political and business leaders are letting us down big time. They are acting irresponsibly by spreading fear and panic. Of course they seem to be surprised why many people act irrationally. Clearly they have no knowledge of human nature. Unless of course the outcomes they created are exactly what they wanted.

Something nobody seems to think about at the moment: from now on are we going to have an economic and social meltdown every time a new virus mutation comes along?

And make no mistake: we should all be very much worried about the measures that are being taken now becoming normalised without any resistance, no matter how unreasonable and unnecessary they are. How many restrictive laws and regulations are being rushed through parliaments right now, which will simply remain in place after this crisis has passed?

I can’t help but see a connection here with the UN-sponsored and widely adopted climate emergency agenda, or even the broader Agenda 21/Agenda 30. Is this possibly the test case? Scaring people into submission with a supposedly human-made CO2 apocalypse wasn’t really working, at least not fast enough, even with an unhinged, remote-controlled teenager at the helm. A bit far-fetched? Make no mistake, some climate alarmists have already sought to exploit this COVID-19 crisis. The argument will run something like this: “We could take all this urgent action within days for the COVID-19 crisis, so what’s stopping us from doing it to solve climate change?” You watch.

Or is this perhaps the financial elite in cahoots with governments, which, seeing that the astronomical private debt levels across the world are simply unsustainable in the long run, are quite happy to cause a financial crash, a recession or even depression, are quite happy to slaughter a few sacrificial lambs to wipe the slate clean, detract from the real economic issues, whilst essentially maintaining the status quo in the long run? Is this just a big reset?

We’re too caught up in the middle of all this to see the big picture clearly, but the truth has a habit of coming out sooner or later. Of course you have to be willing to see it. If not, just stay asleep, turn off your brain, and follow the herd, it’s way easier.

PS: There are still a few voices of reason, but they are very much in the minority, as they are drowned out by the alarmist screaming by and through the mainstream media.

PPS (27 March): Today I came across this message stated on this UK government website: “As of 19 March 2020, COVID-19 is no longer considered to be a high consequence infectious diseases [sic] (HCID) in the UK.“ This was before the Australian Government for instance imposed even more severe measures. Go figure.


Status of COVID-19 (UK governmental website)
Perspectives on the Pandemic | Dr John Ioannidis of Stanford University | Interview (27 Mar 2020)
[Corona-crisis: An open letter to the German Chancellor] Corona-Krise: Offener Brief an die Bundeskanzlerin von Prof. Sucharit Bhakdi [German with English sub-titles]
Covid-19 — Navigating the Uncharted (NEJM article)
Stunning insights into the Corona-panic by Dr. Wolfgang Wodarg
Coronavirus and Climate Change
How to practice social distancing
Lies, Damned Lies, and Coronavirus Infection Numbers
SARS-CoV-2: fear v data
A fiasco in the making? As the coronavirus pandemic takes hold, we are making decisions without reliable data (Article by J. Ioannidis 17 Mar 2020)
Am Telefon zur Corona-Krise in Italien: Fulvio Grimaldi (28 Mar 2020) [German only]
Corona: „Ich sehe wirklich keine Neuerkrankung am Horizont!“ – Dr. med. Claus Köhnlein im Gespräch [German only]
Corona – Informationen, Kritik und Mainstream konträre Meinungen – Prof. Dr. Stefan Hockertz [German only]
Am Telefon zur Corona-Virologie: Karin Mölling [German only]
“Die Kompetenz für Risikobewertung ist einfach nicht vorhanden” – Dr. med. Spitzbart zum Coronavirus [German only]
Corona: “Die Epidemie, die nie da war” – Dr. med. Claus Köhnlein [DFP 69] [German only]
Corona Aktuell: Entwickelt sich unser Staat gerade in ein totalitäres System? (Raphael Bonelli) [German only]