Playing with numbers and minds

A huge collective hooray seems to sweep through the media landscape every day, when the lastest number of positive tests is reported.

Any reasonable person who hasn’t been entirely robbed of their ability to think clearly through the wall-to-wall propaganda machinery flooding the unsuspecting Australian public with their poisonous trash information would at least suspect that there are some fishy things going on with the statistics we are shown. These numbers are not only presented free from any kind of meaningful context or relationship, but the numbers are qualitatively also on a spectrum of anything from imprecise and unscientific to downright dishonest.

I had a closer look at the latest Case and contact management guidelines of the Australian state of Victoria. What is being done to deceive and skew the numbers is pretty brazen, hidden in plain sight, and adds to the suspicion that this entire COVID-19 thing is not about a virus, but about power and control and furthering other agendas.