Propaganda in action

Have a close read of this amazing UK government document from 22 March 2020. The image below shows a few particularly mind-boggling extracts.

The people who wrote this piece of propaganda are not identified in the document, but they later showed off their handiwork in this article which appeared on 19 May 2020 in the British Journal of Health Psychology. Their conclusions:

Responding to policymakers very rapidly as has been necessary during the COVID‐19 pandemic can be facilitated by using a framework to structure the thinking and reporting of multidisciplinary academics and policymakers.

One Comments

  • Manuela

    September 4, 2020

    Wow, das spiegelt ja das ganze sehr deutlich. Dankeschön für ihren Einsatz und die Aufklärung die sie zu Australienden hier in Sydney. Ich würde gern mit ihnen in contact treten da ich auch in Sydney bin und die Situation und Leute hier so surpressed sind.
    Beste Grüsse

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