Who cares whether Covid vaccines are safe?

Not the government, that’s the short answer.

I was curious to see whether any deaths that occur at least some time soon after the date of vaccination will by default be referred to the coroner in my home state of New South Wales, where vaccinations began just a few days ago.

I did this out of suspicion, because I already found out at the beginning of the Covid-19 scamdemic that coroners throughout Australia were specifically instructed not to examine deaths that were attributed to Covid-19, which of course means that we will never know for sure whether those people who allegedly died of Covid-19 actually did die from Covid-19.

In fact, it was clear to me early on that no government anywhere around the world had any interest whatsoever in finding out the truth about what was sold to us all as an incredibly deadly virus. It seems that no country anywhere mandated deaths be having them properly investigated through autopsies, with very few localised exceptions through personal initiative (eg Hamburg in Germany, and Basel in Switzerland). These did show that all or at least the vast majority of those who allegedly died from Covid-19 had one or several other pre-existing conditions that led to their deaths. Not to forget that it is highly likely that the treatment of so-called Covid-19 patients could also have contributed to the demise of these patients (intubation was quite fashionable early on, and as were ridiculously high doses of Hydroxychloroquine). 

The only chance we have to actually know whether any deaths that occur soon after vaccination were caused by the vaccine is via a thorough investigation by the State coroner. 

From this page of the NSW Health website and from the linked checklist I can only conclude that there is certainly no compulsion to refer any possibly Covid-vaccination related deaths to the coroner.

Given the extraordinary situation we are in, I would have expected such a strict requirement. 

Under point 5 of the checklist, a death following Covid vaccination “should” be reported to the coroner. But guidance note 1 gives the doctor an easy out, as they can simply conclude themselves that the vaccination (the “health related procedure”) did not cause the death. 

Given there is already so much pressure on doctors to push these vaccines on the entire population, it would be all-too human if doctors preferred to simply not rock the boat.

And our governments of course have many more important things to worry about than public health. There are many millions of doses of vaccines to deliver, no matter what.

With commonsense out of the picture for the last 12 months and scientific principles completely sidelined throughout this scamdemic, we can only hope that the biggest ever medical experiment with many millions of human guinea pigs, does not end in a huge catastrophe.