You shall vaccinate – at your own risk

The latest news on the latest COVID-19 “cases” and “deaths” cannot be flung into the media soup fast enough to keep the population suitably scared to keep the scamdemic alive. But the mainstream media are not so fast and keen when the news are not so convenient – for example the news that the Australian Government has given indemnity against liability to the suppliers of the prospective vaccines should anyone come to harm as a result of being administered the vaccines.

In other words, the pharmaceutical giants not only get to benefit handsomely from this manufactured crisis, they also don’t take any risk at all by providing insufficiently tested and potentially harmful substances.

In the morning of 9 October I saw the SMH & Age articles announcing this scandalous fact, which let’s face it, doesn’t really come as a surprise as other countries have done the same – albeit countries which unlike Australia have a no-fault vaccination compensation scheme, and the world’s saviour, Bill Gates has called for indemnities all along. There are few other sources that have picked this up so far, and even on Twitter there is relatively little reaction.

I checked ABC News, the government’s faithful distributor of propaganda – nada.

So was there a media release perhaps announcing this delightful, completely unimportant fact? I checked. Of course not! At least not yet.

Unless you read the Budget Papers released on 6 October you would never stumble across this information. Budget Paper No. 1 states:

What strikes me most is the silence by most of the mainstream media, but again, given they’ve been faithfully dancing to the government’s tune for the entirety of this scamdemic, this should not be a surprise either – but it’s worth pointing out as another instance of the fact that our governments are only sharing the scare-mongering information they want us to hear, hoping that we won’t notice the foul stench of the New Normal that’s being cooked up behind the scenes.